The Commonwealth Movement

A new era of bottom-up social-capitalism.
Democratizing money rooted in dignity for people.

Commonwealth Capital Model Fractions

A Passport For Good

NetizenNFT is the first step toward The Commonwealth; a model purposefully made to help heroic communities prosper and individuals achieve vertical mobility.

As a placeholder for the future NetizenDID, with the Identity this token represents you can help democratize money, paving the way to Social Insurance 2.0 and UBI for every Netizen.

Join to become part of building the economy of the commons.

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Money Democratized

A currency's purchasing power shouldn't be decided by priests of finance reading stale tea leaves...

CommonFiat and its monetary policy tunings are governed by the DAO, for The Commons.

Transparancy Always

No hidden variables or privileged information means the market remains equally informed, 24/7/365.

This transparency will remain a guiding philosophy, aiming for 0 information asymmetry.

Dignity In Identity

Identity is a critical element of any society or community, determining a person's opportunities.

The Netizen DID is rooted in dignity for "organic" identities, ie: people first.

Sustainability In Unity

Insurance is one of most powerful inventions of our species, enabling prosperity for all.

Through social-good investment funds and insurance policies, united in solidarity we thrive.

"The Great Reset", Commonwealth Edition

Our existing currencies each have their own varied stories and baggage, binding us to the systems and often painful histories underwriting them. Their histories find their root in the business of "trust", a resource in increasingly short supply in the modern era.

Yet, what if we could start fresh? Define and adopt a new currency, not tied to past histories, but a new history forged in the community of economic renegades who dared to dream and build something great together? A currency where the trust mechanic stems from the negation of the need to trust in the first place via transparency and democracy? Where from this increased transparency and democracy, monetary policy could be guided and decided in the open?

We can do just that, and with the Commonwealth Capital Model, that is the goal. To create a new monetary base that belongs to and prioritizes The Commons, and to grow the adoption and acceptance of CommonFiat via vendor/marketplace partnerships and SDKs.

Digital Intentional Community

Intentional communities create environments where social-capital thrives by increasing information bandwidth and opportunity potential among the members.

The Commonwealth aims to be a "digital intentional community" comprised of Netizens who work together to establish a social-good foundation that can become an engine for social-capitalism globally.

We choose to build better, together.

Join The Movement

The ideal Netizen of The Commonwealth is anyone with the capacity to dream of a better world, and the conviction to believe that together, we can build it.

Join the mailing list and jump into the Discord. Share your story and tell us how Social Insurance 2.0 could serve you or your community.

Got skills and ideas? Contact simply introducing yourself, what you'd like to help with, and why.
