The Commonwealth Capital Model

The Commonwealth Capital Model is an experimental microcosmic economy of assets comprised of a core asset, CommonOil, and 3 derivative assets, CommonShare, CommonGold, and CommonFiat. These assets are minted according to the core asset's activity and the current values of a set of fine-tunable fractions.

CommonOil is the core token that retains pre-existing value in a mathematically provable way while reducing supply via a burn & pool process. It does this by setting a tax divisor and burning half of the taxed amount while pooling the other half in a wallet that manages and "tints"an indivisible token, CommonShare. The burned tokens are then used to determine whether to "brint" to the sender CommonFiat and/or CommonGold, binding the supply inflation of the derivative classes to the burnt quantity of the core asset and the current values of the tuneable fractions. Based on the current fractions set, a portion of these "brinted" assets are also pooled in the Commonwealth Reserve. This multi asset class Reserve underwrites the value of the entire economy derived, particularly CommonFiat.

Key Made Up Terms In This Doc



DISCLAIMER: All numbers in this document are subject to change before any kind of launch, if there is ever an actual launch, and may have already been changed in dev builds without being publicly reflected. It's best to assume the numbers/math below are only partially current/correct, as both codebase and this documentation are in active development.

FURTHER DISCLAIMER: This model is experimental, and without proper analysis or whitepaper being drafted should remain viewed as such. No warranty is provided for the reckless implementation of any of this model. That said, this is what we're currently dealing with... so I haven't yet figured out how the Commonwealth Capital Model makes less sense than this...

The Assets Classes

XCO (CommonOil):

This is the central token that determines the supply inflation of all other Commonwealth assets. It's a deflationary burncoin like any other, but with a twist of adding “tinting” of Reserve Shares, and “brinting” of Fiat and Gold. See note in tokenomics below on potential/likely demurrage addition (disabled to start, but will be another toggleable state/fraction)

XCRS (CommonShare):

This is an indivisible token representing a unit of the underlying pool of assets, made up of a combination of XCO, XCF, and XCG collected through tinting and brinting processes, determined by the reserveFraction divisors set in each contract mentioned.

XCF (CommonFiat):

This is an inflationary token “brinted” at a fraction of the burnt XCO value (1/2 during dev/launch), multiplied by an amount to account for the supply size disparity between XCO & XCF (x100 at launch). A fraction (1/3 at launch) of XCF minted is transferred to the XCRS pool, and the remainder is transferred to the “brinter”. Intended to be more freely liquid than other assets, with a decimal count more closely reflecting real world fiat values (maybe?… activity will determine whether that idea is viable or not… but the x100 multiplier to start should give plenty of control over initial inflation/deflation of XCF once an "ideal price" is determined by market/DAO). See note in tokenomics below on potential/likely demurrage addition (disabled to start, but will be another toggleable state/fraction).

XCG (CommonGold):

This is a deflationary token with a “brinted” at a fraction of the burnt XCO value. To determine minting, it takes the brinted value and divides it by the entropyFraction (5 at launch... maybe 10? undecided), and again by the current core tax divisor squared, and if that value is >=1, it mints the XCG and transfers a fraction (1/2 at launch to provide max value to XCRS holders) to the XCRS pool, and the remainder to the “brinter”. Intended to be a scarce asset, like a gold/BTC.


At Launch:

Scarcity Metrics (At Launch)

Owner (Future DAO?) Controllable Values

Tokenomics Values




Operational Values






Current (1)

Essential Unfilled Roles (7)

Extremely Advantageous Unfilled Role (1)


To Date

Next Steps (rather than pretending to have an actual timeline…)

